Who We Are
We are a multidisciplinary, care-giver driven, voluntary organization providing team-based solutions to empower lung health and reduce health disparities through prevention and early detection.
Innovation, Evidence-based Practices, Interdisciplinary Teamwork, Solution-focused, Quality-driven, Patient and Family Centered.
About the Society
The Rescue Lung Society (RLS) is an independent 501(c)(3) organization established to eliminate barriers to CTLS adoption through public/provider education, advocacy, research, and development of novel tools which streamline high quality program implementation and management. The Rescue Lung Society (RLS) was founded by a multidisciplinary group of clinicians and research scientists with a decade-long track record of CTLS innovation including originating the current accepted standard CTLS reporting system (LungRADS), pioneering community benefit CTLS, prototyping the first commercially available dedicated CTLS program management system (Primordial Program Management System), establishing the first state-sponsored CTLS learning collaborative (Massachusetts), publishing the only commercially available CTLS reading simulator and training tool (Lung Academy), identifying novel lung cancer biomarkers, and lobbying CMS successfully to establish CTLS reimbursement. RLRL Society board members have authored numerous peer-reviewed journal articles on topics central to performing high-quality lung screening and continue to provide guidance on CTLS program development and function on a daily basis at no charge to institutions throughout the United States and the world.
The Rescue Lung Society mission is to save lives at risk for lung cancer through high-quality CT lung screening today and pioneering early detection innovations tomorrow. For decades lung cancer has been the number one cancer killer in the United States, leading to the deaths of more men and women than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined. The good news is with CT lung screening we finally have a proven method to find lung cancer early when it is curable. In fact, if all patients at high-risk for lung cancer underwent CT lung screening we could cut the death rate of lung cancer nearly in half – saving tens of thousands of American lives every year. Unfortunately, less than 5% of Americans at high-risk are currently enrolled in CT lung screening programs. Much work remains to be done. Please join us in our journey to save lives.
Why the society was formed?
The Rescue Lung Society (RLS) is an independent 501(c)(3) organization established to eliminate barriers to CT Lung Screening (CTLS) adoption through public/provider education, advocacy, research, and development of novel tools which streamline high quality program implementation and management. The Society is focused on saving lives at risk for lung cancer through implementing high quality CT lung screening today and pioneering early detection innovations tomorrow.
The group of clinicians and researchers that formed the Rescue Lung Society participate in CT lung screening initiatives and projects with many medical and advocacy organizations and have decided to form a medical society dedicated to lung cancer early detection. The Society has a mission to increase patient access to high-quality lung screening by leading the evolution of lung screening guidelines and helping organizations develop robust lung screening programs to increase uptake of CT lung screening today and develop the early lung cancer detection protocols for the future.