The Time Is Now To Increase Uptake Of Ct Lung Screening And Save More Lives
Lung cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer death, taking as many lives as colon, breast and pancreatic cancer combined. In the US alone, we lose more than 140 thousand people every year, resulting in a loss of $21.3 B in lost wages in 2015 alone not to mention the cost of suffering and heartache for those diagnosed with lung cancer and their loved ones. Unfortunately, uptake of CT lung screening for the eligible high-risk population is less than 5%.
The Rescue Lung Society (RLS) is an independent 501(c)(3) organization established to eliminate barriers to CT Lung Screening (CTLS) through public/provider education, advocacy, research, and development of novel tools. The Society is focused on saving lives at-risk for lung cancer through implementing high quality CT lung screening today and pioneering early detection innovations tomorrow.
The Society was founded by an inter-professional group of clinicians and research scientists with a passion for saving lives from lung cancer through prevention and early detection. Driven by this goal, our group conceived the standardized CTLS radiology reporting system (LungRADS), pioneered provider and community outreach for CTLS, prototyped the first commercially available dedicated CTLS program management system (Primordial Program Management System), established the first state-sponsored CTLS learning collaborative (Massachusetts), published the only commercially available CTLS reading simulator and training tool (Mevis Lung Academy), identified novel lung cancer biomarkers, and lobbied CMS successfully to establish CLTS reimbursement . We currently provide guidance on CLTS program development and function on a daily basis at no charge to institutions throughout the United States and the world.
The RLRL Society welcomes all stakeholders involved in CT lung screening including medical professionals, people with lung cancer, and advocates free of charge. We ask that you join us and our community in saving lives by helping increase access to quality CT lung screening for everyone at high-risk regardless of their geographical location, socioeconomic status, race or ethnicity.