Jennifer A. Lewis, MD, MS, MPH is a practicing thoracic medical oncologist and implementation scientist at Vanderbilt and VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System. She is in the Vanderbilt Scholars in T4 Translational Research (V-STTaR) K-12 program and has received an ASCO Conquer Cancer Young Investigator Award and a LUNGevity VA Research Scholars Award for her work in provider engagement and translation of CT lung screening into clinical practice. She is leading a national evaluation of CT lung screening at 10 VA Medical Centers that participated in the VA-Partnership to Increase Access to Lung Screening (VA-PALS). She has been awarded by VA Office of Research and Development to lead a national study of CT lung screening in Veterans at high-risk for lung cancer who meet broadened screening eligibility, including toxic military exposures. She co-directs the VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System’s CT Lung Screening Program and is an active member of the American Cancer Society’s National Lung Cancer Roundtable Provider Engagement and Outreach Task Group and chair of this task group’s writing sub-committee.

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